Welcome to my portfolio website!
I'm Darya, a Full-Stack Developer from Berlin, who loves to work with JavaScript, it's libraries and frameworks.
Background photo by Jasper Garratt
Hi there, I'm Darya!
I am an aspiring <FullstackDeveloper/> from Berlin. In this intro you will find out more about my programming journey and what projects I was working on in the past few years.
I studied Environmental Computer Science (B.Sc.) at the University of Applied Sciences - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft- HTW in Berlin.
My programming journey started with the programming language C#. I developed my first windows applications in C# as study assignments.
During my studies I started to work at Sykes first as customer care agent, later as web developer, where I was using the classic web development techstack: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap on the front-end, PHP with Yii framework and MSSQL database on the back-end.
During my compulsory internship at Sense Electra I started to design an MSSQL database from scratch for a company in the power supply related field. I also implemented a landing page and a cookie banner using PHP, JS, CSS and SASS.
At Tentamus Analytics I was working on creating and improving existing interfaces in Groovy (Java dialect). I also worked on the deployment of an existing React Native app to production server, making the app available for users on android devices.
During my bachelor thesis I implemented a full-stack React - Node web application for the company’s logistic department. Based on given excel sheets I created database logic and the UI. The Back-End is powered with Node.js and Express.js, Front-end with React.js.
By the of 2020 I started to work at Incloud (fully remote). Here I was involved in two TypeScript based projects, including the techstack Node, React and GraphQL using GitLab and Azure ticket workflow.
At my current company Hybrid Heroes I work in App Development using TS-based React Native for iOS and android devices.
I'm interested in fullstack development (web & app) as well as in DevOps, CI/CD , Docker , Kubernetes.. :3
Technologies I worked with:

Discord Clone build with React Redux:
This is a Discord demo app, build with React Redux. You can login with your google credentials to this application, create new channels and leave messages.
Redux is a state mangement tool, that is commonly used with React.
Front-end: React.js
Back-end: Firebase, Cloud Firestore noSQL DB
Deployed and hosted with Firebase
Based on CleverProgrammer Tutorial
- User Authentication with Google
- Real-time message update

My Portfolio Website:
This website is built with React.js and Gatsby
Gatsby is a React-based open source framework for creating websites and apps.
Front-End: React.js, Gatsby
Deployed and hosted with Netlify

Real-time Blog Application built serverless with AWS and GraphQL:
This is a real-time blogging application with serverless backend API.
Front-End: React.js
Back-End: AWS Amplify, AWS AppSync, GraphQL
Create your own credentials or use test login:
test_user, password: test_user
- Comments and likes
- Real-time subscriptions (AWS AppSync)
- User authentications (Amazon Cognito)

Netflix Demo Clone with React.js:
Netflix UI demo build with React
Fornt-end: React.js
Back-end: Movie DB API, Firebase
Deployed and hosted with Firebase
- Movie DB API Implementation
- Movie trailers for each film available

Spotify App Demo Clone built with React Native:
Spotify App Demo Clone, implemented in Typescript
Build with React Native and Expo CLI
- Switch between songs
- Play and pause songs

Instagram Demo Clone built with React Native :
Part 1 of an Instagram Clone App - UI
Implemented in Javascript
Build with React Native and React Native CLI
- Instagram stories
- Feeds
- Likes

Full-stack React -Node application, task manager for logistic department:
I developed this web application as part of my bachelor thesis.
UI and DB logic design
Front-end: React.js
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MSSQL Database
Main features:
- CRUD operations for all DB tables implemened in the UI
- Intelligent task assignment according to the employee qualification

Node.js Terminal Application Web Scraper:
This is a pure node terminal application.
A friend of mine who organizes international Blockchain events asked me to create an application that would scrape relevant events from a webpage, to automate the manual search process.
- filter events according to the user input in the terminal
- save results into a json file
- compares already existing results in the file and updates it only with new events